Who Is in the House of Representatives Right Now


Elected to a two-year term, each representative serves the people of a specific congressional district by introducing bills and serving on committees, among other duties.

View Representatives by State

map of states Virgin Islands Puerto Rico Northern Mariana Islands Guam District of Columbia American Samoa Vermont Rhode Island New Jersey New Hampshire Massachusetts Maryland Delaware Connecticut Delaware Maryland New Jersey Connecticut Massachusetts Maine New Hampshire Vermont New York Pennsylvania West Virginia Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Ohio Indiana Michigan Michigan Wisconsin Illinois Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi Louisiana Arkansas Missouri Iowa Minnesota North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas New Mexico Colorado Wyoming Montana Utah Arizona Nevada Idaho Washington Oregon California Hawaii Alaska


Elected past their peers, certain representatives hold positions that combine institutional, administrative and partisan roles.

Speaker of the House: Rep. Nancy Pelosi

Elected past the whole of the Firm of Representatives, the Speaker acts equally leader of the Business firm and combines several institutional and administrative roles.

Democratic Leadership

Majority Leader

Rep. Steny Hoyer

Majority Whip

Rep. James Clyburn

Banana Speaker

Rep. Katherine Clark

Autonomous Caucus Chairman

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries

Republican Leadership

Republican Leader

Rep. Kevin McCarthy

Republican Whip

Rep. Steve Scalise

Republican Conference Chairman

Rep. Liz Cheney

Republican Policy Commission Chairman

Rep. Gary Palmer


  • Agriculture
  • Appropriations
  • Armed Services
  • Upkeep
  • Education and Labor
  • Free energy and Commerce
  • Ideals
  • Financial Services
  • Foreign Affairs
  • Homeland Security
  • House Administration
  • Judiciary
  • Natural Resources
  • Oversight and Reform
  • Rules
  • Science, Space, and Technology
  • Pocket-size Business
  • Transportation and Infrastructure
  • Veterans' Affairs
  • Ways and Ways
  • Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
  • Select Committee on the Climate Crunch
  • Select Commission on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth
  • Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress
  • Joint Economic Commission
  • Joint Committee on the Library
  • Joint Committee on Printing
  • Articulation Committee on Taxation

Officers and Organizations

  • Clergyman of the House

    - Rear Admiral Margaret Grun Kibben
  • Chief Authoritative Officer

    - Catherine Szpindor
  • Clerk of the Business firm

    - Cheryl Fifty. Johnson
  • Sergeant at Arms

    - William J. Walker
  • General Counsel

    - Douglas N. Letter
  • Historian of the Business firm

    - Matthew Wasniewski
  • Acting Inspector General

    - Joseph Picolla
  • Function of Congressional Ethics

    - David Skaggs, Chairman
  • Parliamentarian of the Firm

    - Jason Smith
  • Legislative Counsel

    - East. Wade Ballou, Jr.

Congressional Partners

  • Architect of the Capitol

  • Capitol Police

  • Congressional Budget Office

  • Government Accountability Function

  • Government Printing Office

  • Library of Congress

  • National Archives

  • United states of america Senate


Source: https://www.house.gov/

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